Best Jo Mama Jokes

Best Jo Mama Jokes. So, it would be great to choose a suitable occasion to share ‘yo momma’ jokes, as well as ensure the other person is up for them. Yo mama is so tiny, she was the first to ever use chapstick as deodorant.

40+ Best Ever Yo Mama Jokes
40+ Best Ever Yo Mama Jokes from

4) yo momma so stupid, when i told her that she lost her mind, she went looking for it. Take your time to read those puns and riddles where you ask a question with answers, or where the setup is the punchline. Yo mama’s so dumb, when the doctor told her she had coronavirus, she bought a new laptop.

2 Yo Mama Is So Fat The Last Time She Saw Her Phone Number Was On A Weight Scale.

Yo mama so ugly, when she walks into the dentist, they make her lay face down. 27 yo momma is so ugly even hello kitty said, “goodbye” to her. Yo momma is so fat when she got on the scale it said, “i need your weight not your phone number.

Yo Momma Is So Fat When She Sat On Walmart, She Lowered The Prices.

Yo mama so old, jurassic park brings back memories. Yo mama so old, she was a waitress at the last supper. Little mouse bursts in tears.

Yo Momma Is So Fat That Dora Can't Even Explore Her!

Following is our collection of funny yo mama so fat jokes. Sourced from reddit, twitter, and beyond! Yo mama's so stupid, she got hit by a parked car.

Even So, Some People May Still Take Offense At These Jokes.

26 yo momma is so stupid she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept. Yo mama so stupid she got fired from a blow job. Yo momma is so stupid that she took an umbrella to see purple rain.

2) Yo Mamma So Ugly Even Bob The Builder Said, We Cant Fix It. 3) Yo Mamma So Fat, Dora Can't Explore Her.

The primary intention of ‘yo mama’ jokes is to entertain and elicit a good laugh as opposed to genuinely insulting a person’s mother. Yo mama’s so stupid, when they said, “order in the court,” she asked for fries and a shake. As she got out to dry off, he notices her upper torso he asks “momma what are those?”.