Boring Accountant Jokes

Boring Accountant Jokes. Be audit you can be. Fortunately, there are plenty of funny accounting jokes to tell when the figures don’t seem to balance out.

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It’s fair to say we can all laugh at what we do in some respect. “but mainly i’m looking for someone to do my worrying for me. Tax jokes for accountants 3.

The Doctor Responds “Marry A Cpa.”.

Auditing is no joke, but we’ve just made it one anyway. They are numbers people, not puzzle people. It appears that 1 + 1 is 2.

The Engineer Draws Up A Plan And Does Some Measurements And Says.

We’ve all taken an unnecessary amount of time to finish a puzzle, but an accountant would take pride in this despite misinterpreting the meaning. What do you call a trial balance that doesn't balance? Working in accounting and studying for the cpa exam can be a grind, but sometimes all you need is a good accounting joke to keep you going!

They Are The Audit Partner, The Tax Partner And The Senior Partner.

What do accountants call vendors who have trouble telling the truth. 2 accountant joke from a guy in bar. Married to a cpa joke.

The Lawyer Takes Out His Law Book, Checks All The Rules Then Says According To The Law, 1 + 1 Is 2.

He said he does not know. They go over his history and experience, tell him about the company, and all the usual things. Be audit you can be.

He Picks It Up, Rubs It And Of Course, A Genie Appears.

The guy next to him replies, “well, before you tell that joke, you should know that. The interviewer asked, what's 1 + 1. When he looks at the test, he sees only.