Monkey Tells Penguin Joke. Studio1087 telefied ad free member. A penguin farmer breaks down.
Penguins don't have opposable thumbs let alone fingers so he ends up with ice cream all over himself. A zookeeper loses his bible while at work. A penguin takes his car in to a mechanic, and the mechanic tells him it will be an hour until he is ready.
There Are Some Penguins Dolphins Jokes No One Knows (To Tell Your Friends) And To Make You Laugh Out Loud.
What do you call a monkey with a wand and a broomstick? The police officer says well, you're going to have to take every single one of those penguins to the zoo immediately!. You look stupid in that tie.
17.One Day A Police Officer Sees A Man Walking 20 Penguins Down The Street.
Each of them are carrying a dozen bananas. By marco, september 23, 2010 in just for fun. He pulls into a local mechanic's and the mechanic says, give me an hour and i'll let you know the problem.
The Penguin Walks Out And See An Ice Cream Shop And Goes In For A Vanilla Cone.
This video has floated around the internet since long before youtube. A penguin is driving down the highway when he starts having engine problems. A zookeeper loses his bible while at work.
Beepsky Smash Is A Fairly Easy To Make (You'll Need Iron From Chemistry) Incredibly Easy To Make (Just Get Iron From The.
Monkey tells penguin joke several drinks you can make will have actual effects other than getting people sloshed. Penguins don't have opposable thumbs let alone fingers so he ends up with ice cream all over himself. So the penguin decides to get an ice cream cone.
The Officer Says To The Man, Hey, Mister, Are These All Your Penguins?.
An hour later, he walks back to the mechanic's. A hindu, a muslim and a christian are passing through a forest. Later, he returns to the mechanic who saysi found the problem.